Poker Volunteer Opportunity

For over 3 years, the Rockford Cosmopolitan Club has been able to use our not-for-profit license to host quarterly poker events in coordination with Rockford Charitable Games Association. In a nutshell, the club splits the profits of each poker night with Rockford Charitable Games. This is a win/win for the club. and Rockford Charitable Games.
On most poker nights, we average between $1,750 to $2,000 in profits to the club. In order for us to earn those profits, we need 3 shifts of volunteers for 4 hours a piece with 3 people per shift. (9 total people)
If you divide $2,000 by 9 people, that means that the club receives over $200 per volunteer that assists on each poker night. ($200/4 hours = over $50/hour per volunteer)
There are not too many not-for-profit events where organizations can quantify $50/hour for the time of their volunteers. Please volunteer to help at the next quarterly poker night! Times to be announced. Great job Brandon Gruner for organizing this routine fundraising event!